Package: DAAG 1.25.5

W. John Braun

DAAG: Data Analysis and Graphics Data and Functions

Functions and data sets used in examples and exercises in the text Maindonald, J.H. and Braun, W.J. (2003, 2007, 2010) "Data Analysis and Graphics Using R", and in an upcoming Maindonald, Braun, and Andrews text that builds on this earlier text.

Authors:John H Maindonald <[email protected]> and W. John Braun <[email protected]>

DAAG.pdf |DAAG.html
DAAG/json (API)

# Install 'DAAG' in R:
install.packages('DAAG', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

  • ACF1 - Aberrant Crypt Foci in Rat Colons
  • Cars93.summary - A Summary of the Cars93 Data set
  • DAAGxdb - List, each of whose elements hold rows of a file, in character format
  • Lottario - Ontario Lottery Data
  • Manitoba.lakes - The Nine Largest Lakes in Manitoba
  • SP500W90 - Closing Numbers for S and P 500 Index - First 100 Days of 1990
  • SP500close - Closing Numbers for S and P 500 Index
  • ais - Australian athletes data set
  • alc2018 - Alcohol consumption in Australia and New Zealand
  • allbacks - Measurements on a Selection of Books
  • anesthetic - Anesthetic Effectiveness
  • ant111b - Averages by block of yields for the Antigua Corn data
  • antigua - Averages by block of yields for the Antigua Corn data
  • appletaste - Tasting experiment that compared four apple varieties
  • audists - Road distances between 10 Australian cities
  • aulatlong - Latitudes and longitudes for ten Australian cities
  • austpop - Population figures for Australian States and Territories
  • biomass - Biomass Data
  • bomregions - Australian and Related Historical Annual Climate Data, by Region
  • bomregions2018 - Australian and Related Historical Annual Climate Data, by Region
  • bomregions2021 - Australian and Related Historical Annual Climate Data, by Region
  • bomsoi - Southern Oscillation Index Data
  • bostonc - Boston Housing Data - Corrected
  • carprice - US Car Price Data
  • cerealsugar - Percentage of Sugar in Breakfast Cereal
  • cfseal - Cape Fur Seal Data
  • cities - Populations of Major Canadian Cities
  • codling - Dose-mortality data, for fumigation of codling moth with methyl bromide
  • coralPval - P-values from biological expression array data
  • cottonworkers - Occupation and wage profiles of British cotton workers
  • cps1 - Labour Training Evaluation Data
  • cps2 - Labour Training Evaluation Data
  • cps3 - Labour Training Evaluation Data
  • cricketer - Lifespans of UK 1st class cricketers born 1840-1960
  • cuckoohosts - Comparison of cuckoo eggs with host eggs
  • cuckoos - Cuckoo Eggs Data
  • dengue - Dengue prevalence, by administrative region
  • dewpoint - Dewpoint Data
  • droughts - Periods Between Rain Events
  • edcCO2 - EPICA Dome C Ice Core 800KYr Carbon Dioxide Data
  • edcT - EPICA Dome C Ice Core 800KYr Temperature Estimates
  • elastic1 - Elastic Band Data Replicated
  • elastic2 - Elastic Band Data Replicated
  • elasticband - Elastic Band Data
  • fossilfuel - Fossil Fuel Data
  • fossum - Possum Measurements
  • frogs - Frogs Data
  • frostedflakes - Frosted Flakes data
  • fruitohms - Electrical Resistance of Kiwi Fruit
  • gaba - Effect of pentazocine on post-operative pain
  • geophones - Seismic Timing Data
  • greatLakes - Yearly averages of Great Lake heights: 1918 - 2009
  • grog - Alcohol consumption in Australia and New Zealand
  • headInjury - Minor Head Injury (Simulated) Data
  • hills - Scottish Hill Races Data
  • hills2000 - Scottish Hill Races Data
  • hotspots - Hawaian island chain hotspot Potassium-Argon ages
  • hotspots2006 - Hawaian island chain hotspot Argon-Argon ages
  • houseprices - Aranda House Prices
  • humanpower1 - Oxygen uptake versus mechanical power, for humans
  • humanpower2 - Oxygen uptake versus mechanical power, for humans
  • hurricNamed - Named US Atlantic Hurricanes
  • intersalt - Blood pressure versus Salt; inter-population data
  • ironslag - Iron Content Measurements
  • jobs - Canadian Labour Force Summary Data
  • kiwishade - Kiwi Shading Data
  • leafshape - Full Leaf Shape Data Set
  • leafshape17 - Full Leaf Shape Data Set
  • leaftemp - Leaf and Air Temperature Data
  • leaftemp.all - Full Leaf and Air Temperature Data Set
  • litters - Mouse Litters
  • lognihills - Record times for Northern Ireland mountain running events
  • lung - Cape Fur Seal Lung Measurements
  • mdbAVtJtoD - Murray-Darling basin monthly temperatures
  • measles - Deaths in London from measles
  • medExpenses - Family Medical Expenses
  • mifem - WHO Monica Data
  • mignonette - Darwin's Wild Mignonette Data
  • milk - Milk Sweetness Study
  • modelcars - Model Car Data
  • monica - WHO Monica Data
  • moths - Moths Data
  • nassCDS - Airbag and other influences on accident fatalities
  • nasshead - Documentation of names of columns in nass9702cor
  • nihills - Record times for Northern Ireland mountain running events
  • nsw74demo - Labour Training Evaluation Data
  • nsw74psid1 - Labour Training Evaluation Data
  • nsw74psid3 - Labour Training Evaluation Data
  • nsw74psidA - Labour Training Evaluation Data
  • nswdemo - Labour Training Evaluation Data
  • nswpsid1 - Labour Training Evaluation Data
  • oddbooks - Measurements on 12 books
  • orings - Challenger O-rings Data
  • ozone - Ozone Data
  • pair65 - Heated Elastic Bands
  • possum - Possum Measurements
  • possumsites - Possum Sites
  • poxetc - Deaths from various causes, in London from 1629 till 1881, with gaps
  • primates - Primate Body and Brain Weights
  • progression - Progression of Record times for track races, 1912 - 2008
  • psid1 - Labour Training Evaluation Data
  • psid2 - Labour Training Evaluation Data
  • psid3 - Labour Training Evaluation Data
  • races2000 - Scottish Hill Races Data - 2000
  • rainforest - Rainforest Data
  • rareplants - Rare and Endangered Plant Species
  • repPsych - Summary results from Reproducibility Study: Psychology
  • rice - Genetically Modified and Wild Type Rice Data
  • rockArt - Pacific Rock Art features
  • roller - Lawn Roller Data
  • science - School Science Survey Data
  • seedrates - Barley Seeding Rate Data
  • socsupport - Social Support Data
  • softbacks - Measurements on a Selection of Paperback Books
  • sorption - Sorption data set
  • spam7 - Spam E-mail Data
  • stVincent - Averages by block of yields for the St. Vincent Corn data
  • sugar - Sugar Data
  • tinting - Car Window Tinting Experiment Data
  • tomato - Root weights of tomato plants exposed to 4 different treatments
  • toycars - Toy Cars Data
  • two65 - Unpaired Heated Elastic Bands
  • vince111b - Averages by block of corn yields, for treatment 111 only
  • vlt - Video Lottery Terminal Data
  • wages1833 - Wages of Lancashire Cotton Factory Workers in 1833
  • whoops - Deaths from whooping cough, in London
  • worldRecords - Record times for track and road races, at August 9th 2006
  • zzDAAGxdb - List, each of whose elements hold rows of a file, in character format


51 exports 4.19 score 12 dependencies 1 dependents 33 mentions 1.1k scripts 2.3k downloads

Last updated 5 months agofrom:8b5d752dc2. Checks:OK: 3 NOTE: 4. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKAug 25 2024
R-4.5-winNOTEAug 25 2024
R-4.5-linuxNOTEAug 25 2024
R-4.4-winNOTEAug 25 2024
R-4.4-macNOTEAug 25 2024
R-4.3-winOKAug 25 2024
R-4.3-macOKAug 25 2024



Sampling Properties of Variable Selection

Rendered fromsimulate-varselect.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2024-02-07
Started: 2020-08-14

Use of Simulation to Assess Regression Diagnostics

Rendered fromsimulate-regdiags.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2024-02-07
Started: 2020-08-14

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
The R DAAG PackageDAAG-package DAAG
Aberrant Crypt Foci in Rat ColonsACF1
Australian athletes data setais
Function to align points from ordination with known locationsalign2D
Measurements on a Selection of Booksallbacks
Anesthetic Effectivenessanesthetic
Averages by block of yields for the Antigua Corn dataant111b antigua
Tasting experiment that compared four apple varietiesappletaste
Road distances between 10 Australian citiesaudists
Latitudes and longitudes for ten Australian citiesaulatlong
Population figures for Australian States and Territoriesaustpop
Best Subset Selection Applied to Noisebestset.noise bestsetNoise bsnCV bsnOpt bsnVaryNvar
Biomass Databiomass
Australian and Related Historical Annual Climate Data, by Regionbomregions bomregions2018 bomregions2021
Southern Oscillation Index Databomsoi
Boston Housing Data - Correctedbostonc
Separate plotting positions for labels, to avoid overlapbounce
Converts initial character of a string to upper casecapstring
US Car Price Datacarprice
A Summary of the Cars93 Data setCars93.summary
Percentage of Sugar in Breakfast Cerealcerealsugar
Cape Fur Seal Datacfseal
Populations of Major Canadian Cities (1992-96)cities
Dose-mortality data, for fumigation of codling moth with methyl bromidecodling
Error rate comparisons for tree-based classificationcompareTreecalcs
Component + Residual Plotcomponent.residual
Given actual and predicted group assignments, give the confusion matrixconfusion
P-values from biological expression array datacoralPval
Occupation and wage profiles of British cotton workerscottonworkers
Lifespans of UK 1st class cricketers born 1840-1960cricketer
Comparison of cuckoo eggs with host eggscuckoohosts
Cuckoo Eggs Datacuckoos
Cross-Validation for Regression with a Binary Responsecv.binary CVbinary
Cross-Validation for Linear Regressioncv.lm CVlm
Function to generate lattice themes for graphs.DAAGtheme
List, each of whose elements hold rows of a file, in character formatDAAGxdb
Write an ASCII data file to the working directory.datafile
Dengue prevalence, by administrative regiondengue
Dewpoint Datadewpoint
Periods Between Rain Eventsdroughts
EPICA Dome C Ice Core 800KYr Carbon Dioxide DataedcCO2
EPICA Dome C Ice Core 800KYr Temperature EstimatesedcT
Elastic Band Data Replicatedelastic1 elastic2
Elastic Band Dataelasticband
Simulation of classical errors in x model, with multiple explanatory variables.errorsINseveral
Simulate data for straight line regression, with "errors in x".errorsINx
Create and analyze multiway frequency or weighted frequency tableexcessRisk
Fossil Fuel Datafossilfuel
Frogs Datafrogs
Frosted Flakes datafrostedflakes
Electrical Resistance of Kiwi Fruitfruitohms
Effect of pentazocine on post-operative pain (average VAS scores)gaba
Seismic Timing Datageophones
Yearly averages of Great Lake heights: 1918 - 2009greatLakes
Alcohol consumption in Australia and New Zealandalc2018 grog
Graphical Output for Hardcopyhardcopy
Minor Head Injury (Simulated) Datahead.injury headInjury
Scottish Hill Races Datahills hills2000
Hawaian island chain hotspot Potassium-Argon ageshotspots
Hawaian island chain hotspot Argon-Argon ageshotspots2006
Aranda House Priceshouseprices
Oxygen uptake versus mechanical power, for humanshumanpower1 humanpower2
Named US Atlantic HurricaneshurricNamed
Blood pressure versus Salt; inter-population dataintersalt
Iron Content Measurementsironslag
Canadian Labour Force Summary Data (1995-96)jobs
Kiwi Shading Datakiwishade
Full Leaf Shape Data Setleafshape leafshape17
Leaf and Air Temperature Dataleaftemp
Full Leaf and Air Temperature Data Setleaftemp.all
Mouse Litterslitters
Return data required for diagnostic plotslmdiags
Simple Logistic Regression Data Simulatorlogisticsim
Ontario Lottery DataLottario
Cape Fur Seal Lung Measurementslung
The Nine Largest Lakes in ManitobaManitoba.lakes
Murray-Darling basin monthly temperaturesmdbAVtJtoD
Deaths in London from measlesmeasles
Family Medical ExpensesmedExpenses
Darwin's Wild Mignonette Datamignonette
Milk Sweetness Studymilk
Model Car Datamodelcars
WHO Monica Datamifem monica
Moths Datamoths
Data Filtering Functionmultilap
Airbag and other influences on accident fatalitiesnassCDS
Documentation of names of columns in nass9702cornasshead
Record times for Northern Ireland mountain running eventslognihills nihills
Labour Training Evaluation Datansw74demo nsw74psid1 nsw74psid3 nsw74psidA
Labour Training Evaluation Datanswdemo
Labour Training Evaluation Datacps1 cps2 cps3 nswpsid1 psid1 psid2 psid3
Bounce - obsoleteobounce
Measurements on 12 booksoddbooks
Paired Sample t-testonesamp
One Sample Permutation t-testonet.permutation
One Sample Permutation t-testonetPermutation
Display of One Way Analysis Resultsoneway.plot onewayPlot
Challenger O-rings Dataorings
Overlapping Density Plotsoverlap.density overlapDensity
Ozone Dataozone
Heated Elastic Bandspair65
Scatterplot Panelpanel.corr
Scatterplot PanelpanelCorr
Panel Plotpanelplot
Pause before continuing executionpause
Plot(s) of simulated sampling distributionsplotSampDist
Diagnostic plots for simulated dataplotSimDiags
Simulate scatterplots, from 'lm' object with a single explanatory variable.plotSimScat
Simple Poisson Regression Data Simulatorpoissonsim
Possum Measurementsfossum possum
Possum Sitespossumsites
Plot of Power Functionspowerplot
Deaths from various causes, in London from 1629 till 1881, with gapspoxetc
Predictive Error Sum of Squarespress
Primate Body and Brain Weightsprimates
Progression of Record times for track races, 1912 - 2008progression
Simulate QQ reference plotsqreference
Scottish Hill Races Data - 2000races2000
Rainforest Datarainforest
Rare and Endangered Plant Speciesrareplants
Summary results from Reproducibility Study: PsychologyrepPsych
Genetically Modified and Wild Type Rice Datarice
Pacific Rock Art featuresrockArt
Lawn Roller Dataroller
Plot sampling distribution of mean or other sample statistic.sampdist
School Science Survey Datascience
Barley Seeding Rate Dataseedrates
Show R's Colorsshow.colors
Simulation of Linear Models for ANOVA vs. Regression ComparisonsimulateLinear
Simulated sampling distribution of mean or other statisticsimulateSampDist
Social Support Datasocsupport
Measurements on a Selection of Paperback Bookssoftbacks
sorption data setsorption
Closing Numbers for S and P 500 IndexSP500close
Closing Numbers for S and P 500 Index - First 100 Days of 1990SP500W90
Spam E-mail Dataspam7
Averages by block of yields for the St. Vincent Corn datastVincent
Sugar Datasugar
A more flexible alternatives to 'summary'.sumry
Summarizing Generalized Linear Model Fitsprint.sumry.glm sumry.glm
Car Window Tinting Experiment Datatinting
Root weights of tomato plants exposed to 4 different treatmentstomato
Toy Cars Datatoycars
Unpaired Heated Elastic Bandstwo65
Two Sample Permutation Test - Obsoletetwot.permutation
Two Sample Permutation TesttwotPermutation
Variance Inflation Factorsvif
Averages by block of corn yields, for treatment 111 onlyvince111b
Video Lottery Terminal Datavlt
Wages of Lancashire Cotton Factory Workers in 1833wages1833
Deaths from whooping cough, in Londonwhoops
Record times for track and road races, at August 9th 2006worldRecords
List, each of whose elements hold rows of a file, in character formatzzDAAGxdb