DAAG 1.25.5
- Add alc2018 dataset supplementing grog dataset with data for the
years 2005 to 2018.
- The qgam package, with functions qgam (single quantile) and mgam
(multiple quantiles) that allow for automatic selection of
smoothing parameters when fitting quantiles, replaces quantreg in
vignette simulate-varselect and in function bsnVaryNvar().
DAAG 1.25.4-2
- Add repPsych dataset holding summary results from Reproducibility
Study: Psychology
- The function DAAGtheme() has been modified to left adjust
main titles and to use font 1.
- Correct stated number of rows in the frostedflakes dataset to 100.
DAAG 1.25.4 (2022-06-14)
- A number of URLs have been updated.
- The bomregions2021 dataset updates the bomregions data
to 2021.
- The dataset mdbAVtJtoD, with monthly Murray-Darling
basin data from January 1950 through to February 2022,
has been added.
DAAG 1.25
- Vignettes sources are now R Markdown, with the
format bookdown::html_document2 format combined
with base_format: rmarkdown::html_vignette
(This combination allows automatic numbering of
figures, and cross-references.)
- The 'bomregions2018' dataset updates 'bomregions'
to include data through to 2018. The updates
'bomregions2012' and 'bomregions2015' have been
omitted. A further column 'avDMI' has been added,
holding values (from 1960 onwards) of the Annual
average (Indian) Dipole Mode Index.
- Web links on what is now the 'bomregions2018' help
page have been updated. The url in the DESCRIPTION
file now links to the development version of DAAG
on the gitlab site.
- The 'head.injury' dataset (which was a copy of the
'headInjury' dataset) has been removed.
- Help pages for related data sets have, in several
cases, been combined.
DAAG 1.24-1
- The dataset coralPval, holding 3072 p-values from a gene
expression array comparison between post- and pre-settlement
coral larvae, has been added.
- The dataset bomregions2015 (updates bomregions to include data
up to 2015) has been added.
- The dataset lognihills, which replaces values in all 4 columns
of nihills by log(values), has been added. Column names are
logdist, logclimb, logtime and logtimef.
- The generic function sumry(), with a method and print method
for glm (but not other) objects, has been added.
- The function DAAGtheme(), used to generate themes for use in
an intended 4th edition of Data Analysis and Graphics Using R,
has been added.
- The functions CVlm() (alias cv.lm()), simulateLinear(),
qreference() and sampdist() all now return lattice objects.
If the result is returned to the command line, the graph is
plotted just as before.
- A line that subtracted 1 from the bottom and top margins,
causing an error if the margin was already set to < 1, was
removed from onetPermutation(), twot() and twotPermutation().
- Code has been amended so that term labels ('term.labels') are
given by attr(obj$terms, "term.labels"). The code now
replaced expected to find 'term.labels' among the attributes
of the summary object; this would have failed starting
several R releases back.
DAAG 1.21
- The dataset hurricNamed (deaths from Atlantic hurricanes,
damage assessments, and other measures, from 1950 onwards)
has been added.
- The dataset cps3 (a subset of cps10 has been added
- The help file CVlm.Rd has been amended to give the correct
return value for CVlm() and cv.lm().
- An enhanced version of overlapDensity()
(an alias is overlap.density()), as assumed by the code for
Figure 13.3 on page 421 of the 3rd edition of "Data Analysis
and Graphics using R", has replaced the former version.
DAAG 1.19
- The function align2D() has been added. This finds the linear
transformation which, applied to one set of points in the (x, y)
plane, gives the best match in a least squares sense to a second
set of points.
- The code for lmdiags() has been tidied.
- A bug in the function plotSimDiags() has been fixed.
DAAG 1.18 (2013-10-28)
- The functionality of lmdiags(), called from plotSimDiags(),
has been slightly improved.
DAAG 1.17 (2013-10-08)
- There are improvements to the way that dependencies are handled.
- The file simulate-reg.pdf has been replaced by two knitr vignettes --
'Functions for Assessing the Sampling Properties of plot.lm()
Regression Diagnostics', and '{Functions that Demonstrate the
Sampling Properties of Variable Selection'.
DAAG 1.16 (2013-03-14)
- The function plotSimScat was added. This plots either residuals
or y-variable simulated values, against the x-variable from a
straight line regression.
- The datasets tomato and bomregions2013 were added.
- A pdf file simulate-reg.pdf has been placed in the subdirectory
inst/doc. This demonstrates the use of the functions
plotSimDiags, plotSimScat and bsnVaryNvar.
- The NAMESPACE file has been edited to ensure that the function
layer, used in plotSimDiags and plotSimScat, is taken from the
latticeExtra package.
DAAG 1.15 (2012-07-26)
- The function plotSimDiags was added. This returns diagnostics
for multiple sets of simulated data.
DAAG 1.14 (2012-06-17)
- The function CVlm (alias cv.lm) has been modified to allow
multiple explanatory variables. Predicted values can be
subtracted off from the points that are shown. If there is
more than one explanatory variable, the lines that are shown
for individual folds are approximations to the small points
that show the fitted values for the respective fold.
Arguments main (main title) and legend.pos have been added.
DAAG 1.13 (2012-05-29)
- the function bsnOpt has been added - this finds the regression
model that is optimal according to the stated criteria
- the functions bestsetNoise, bestset.noise, bsnCV, bsnOpt, and
bsnVaryNvar all allow the optional logical argument intercept.
Except for bsnVaryNvar, the user now has the option to supply
arguments X and y.
- the function lmdiags and the generic function plotSimDiags with
a method for lm models have been added. The function takes as
argument a model object, then returning a lattice graphics object
or objects that show regression diagnostics for simulated data
- In the dataset possumsites, the first two column names have been
corrected to "Longitude" and "Latitude". The code under 'Examples'
has been changed accordingly, so that the map that appears is
the same as before.